A small centring or infeed error can reduce the yield significantly. If the error is also not known, it will be impossible to make a correction. By using the RS-Line open face measurement system, errors and losses can be minimized. Connect the system to the RemaSawco log optimising system RS-Opt due consideration will also be given to asymmetry and optimised turning and the function of the log optimisation function can be controlled and evaluated.
The cant scanner will give the operator continuous data from the sawing process. The operator can easily choose which data is important from time to time. For further analysis, the data can be printed out for different time and production periods.
The open face scanner can measure upright or sideways positioned cants in a longitudinal transport. To measure upright cants, the cameras are mounted above the block to protect them from other boards and contamination.
Log optimisation control
The RS-Line can use the current optimisation data from the log optimiser to check that the sawing process matches the optimised values. This is done with a connection to the current optimiser and shows deviations and errors on every passing log,
It is easy to combine RS-Line with block optimisation as both applications use the same measuring system. The interface in the RS-Line based on modules, Each sawmill can select the measures most important for their own facility. It is also possible to choose how many blocks should be continuously displayed and how much data should be collected in the data base.
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