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RS-LogScanner3D is RemaSawco’s measurement system for 3D measurement of timber, built on a user-friendly and future-proof software and hardware platform. With this measurement system, you get a high-performance scanner that measures the true shape of your logs to enable maximum yield. At frequent intervals, the entire mantle surface is recorded using hundreds of thousands of measurement points. The 3D measuring frame covers most needs for e.g., timber sorting, measuring, whole log fitting, saw intake, saw control and log turning.

The RS-LogScanner3D:

  • Is a high-performance scanner. The system will operate at very high line speeds, making it the perfect choice in a modern sawmill.
  • Provides a true image of log ovality, taper and sweep. Damage and knots are registered and taken inti consideration.
  • Can be used at all log measuring positions. Log sorting, log optimisation and log turning in the saw line.
  • Can measure bark thickness. The RS-Bark add-on can calculate the actual log shape under bark. The function can be used in combination with log pattern sorting in the log sorting line to reduce the need of diameter-based log classes.
  • Minimal need for calibration and service. Easy to calibrate and no need for supplier expertise in case of replacement.
  • Reliable operation minimizes downtime caused by missing log data.
  • The system is delivered either in a light cabinet that offers easy installation indoors, or in a climate-protected cabinet for installation outdoors.

For more information about this product, please contact our sales team.

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The digital sawmill

RemaSawco’s goal is to have all products and systems interact seamlessly within the concept of The Digital Sawmill. This means that each component will not only perform its specific tasks, but also share its data with all other units. With this architecture, traceability and production supervision will be achieved, improving product value and efficiency for the end customer.
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